Listen up.

I have been writing original music since I was a young teen, and simpler versions of my music may be just the medicine the world needs at this time.

I appreciate the listen!

Songwriting from and for the heart.

I would love to see what songs are out there waiting to come forward for that special person or event in your life! Contact me if you would like to commission an acoustic ballad for someone you want to honor. I will record it for you or you can have me perform it live, depending on your preferences. (or both is OK too!)


Jane Foote

Songwriting from and for the heart.

Letting Go.png

How I do this

It starts with a question, an emotion, a conviction… in short an inspiration. The word inspire can be defined as “ fill someone with the urge or ability to do something.. or to breathe in“ For me songwriting is now and has always been inspired answers to questions across my life. Some of my favorite original songs are ones which stemmed from people or places who have taught me lessons and in those lessons inspired me to create songs to honor the connection.

Examples of songs inspired by people in my life include:

There She Goes (for Maggie)

Ali’s Song (for Ali)

Sweet Anne (for Anne)

Let It Be Good (for my dad)

Letting Go (for Carl)

Heartbreak is part of the human experience it seems. . As much as I hold deep gratitude for all that love gave, perhaps there are times that doors just simply close. Thank you to a friend who encouraged me to put this observation about myself to song.

This Time I’m Not Me

Words and music by Jane Foote 9/5/22

 I’m the one who’s always building bridges, I’m the one who’s quick to compromise

I look to find the greenest grass to water. To find the path that seeks to reconcile

I’m the one that smiles in her sadness, I’m the one who places other’s first

I look for little challenges to conquer, as I lead my troops to Everest.  


This time, I’m not me

              This time, the hurt’s too deep

I sang the best songs that I know

They walked away and let it go.


I’m the one that stray cats seem to follow, I live my life and live abundantly.

There’s always room for one more at my table, but this time there is something broke in me.

This time I’m not me

              This time, The hurt’s too deep

I sang the best songs that I know

They walked away and let it go.


Untethering is often quite a process, cutting cords of love can be unkind.

I have done my best to walk on forward and I’m tired of making peace this time.  

Most days I don’t think about your smile, most days I don’t think about my pain.

I’ve pushed you out and closed my heart from caring, and I hope I never hear of you again.


This time, I’m not me

              This time, The hurt’s too deep

I gave the best love that I know

They walked away and let it go